16 March 2006

I am the lizard king

Many people list public speaking as a number-one fear. I don't know what about it scares them, but I can tell you what my deal is: I know I'm being mocked. Know it. Whether it's my hair, my weight, my content, my nervous attempt at humor, what have ya, I know you're laughing at me.

Am I being paranoid if I'm right? I've sat through enough of my friends' comments during other people's presentations to know that someone out there is finding fault with something about mine (or me).

I used to get paid to talk on the radio to hundreds of thousands of people at once and never thought twice about it, but being there in person just brings a new level of vulnerability to the situation. I'm like that in general, I guess. Great on the phone, often hilarious on IM or rapid-fire email, but uncomfortable with in-person conversation.

Maybe I'll take a page from Jim Morrison and try my next presentation with my back to the audience.

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